Paramotor is the generic name for the
harness and propulsive portion of a powered paraglider ("PPG"). There
are two basic types of paramotors: foot launch and wheel launch.
Foot launch models consist of a frame with
harness, fuel tank, engine, and propeller. A hoop with protective netting
primarily keeps lines out of the propeller. The unit is worn like a large
backpack to which a Paraglider is attached through carabiners.
Wheel launch units either come as complete
units with their own motor, or as an add-on to a foot launch paramotor. They
usually have 3 (trike) or 4 (quad) wheels, with seats for one or two occupants.
These should not be confused with Powered Parachutes which are generally much
heavier, more powerful, and have different steering.
The most difficult aspect of paramotoring
is controlling the wing (paraglider) on the ground. This control is both during
launch and upon landing. Initial training in becoming a paramotor pilot
involves managing the wing in the air from the ground without the motor. This
process is called kiting and is the most complicated and important step in the
process. Once kiting the wing on the ground is mastered then the motor is added
to the process to practice with the weight of the paramotor included. A typical
paramotor will weigh on average around 50 lbs. (23 kg) with some models as
light at 40 lbs. (18 kg) and some models as high as 75 lbs. (34 kg.) The size
of the paramotor wing and engine are dependent on the weight of the pilot.
For a pilot to get through most
organizations' full pilot syllabus requires between 5 and 15 days which, due to
weather, may include far more calendar time. A number of techniques are
employed for teaching, although most include getting the student familiar with
handling the wing either on the ground, via towing, small hills, or on tandem
With special gear it is possible to take a
passenger (tandem), but most countries, including the U.S., require some form
of certification to do so.
Paramotor noise relative to an observer
depends on distance, loudness, frequency and timbre of the power unit. Most
noise comes from the propeller and slow rpm is perceived as the quietest.
Pilots mitigate their sound impact by leaving a noise-sensitive area at low
power, keeping the farthest practical distance away, and reducing time spent
near the area.
License and training
Neither a license nor specific training is
required in the U.S., U.K. or many other countries. Where there is no specific
regulation (e.g. Mexico), paramotor flying is tolerated provided the pilots
cooperate with local officials when appropriate.[citation needed] In countries
where specific regulation exists, such as Canada, France, Italy, and South
Africa, pilots must be trained, both in flying theory and practice, by licensed
instructors. Some countries that require formal certification frequently do so
through non-government ultralight aviation organizations.
Regardless of regulations, powered
paragliding can be dangerous when practiced without proper training.
随着“健康中国”上升为国家战略,以及人民生活水平的日益提高,大众休闲化趋势越来越明显,运动休闲已经开始成为一种休闲潮流。我国体育产业虽然起步晚,但发展很快,产业规模、产业效益都得到很大提升。随着人们旅游消费升级,体育与旅游加速融合,运动、休闲将形成更广阔的行业外延。互联网、移动互联网的高速发展,上海翼舞航空科技有限公司旗下的专业公司,一直以来我们都向广大的航空爱好者和专业人士提供质量、低价的纯进口轻型航空器材,我们提供的设备有滑翔伞、动力伞、三角翼、动力三角翼、水上动力三角翼和固定翼轻型飞机,我们的产品应用于个人户外运动探险、航空杂技表演、警察空中巡逻、电力网线架设和巡视、电视航空拍摄、灾害检查收救、大型赛事活动直播、景点空中观赏、空中农药喷洒等一系列领域产品正变得更加标准化、结构化,也更加容易获取,线路产品难度将分级,各种衡量维度也将更加精细,运动休闲正打破熟人经济、小圈子的局限,**终成为人人触手可及的标准化、体验式产品,并逐渐成为大众消费品。当今时代,科技和金融在助推产业发展方面发挥的作用越来越明显。体育产业在遵循客观发展规律的基础上,也离不开一人有限责任公司企业的大力支持。[ "动力伞", "滑翔伞", "飞行", "热汽球" ]领域的全球市场容量将达到2700亿美元。根据数据,运动休闲领域目前还有上涨的空间,过去六年的零售销量上涨4.1%,而非运动服装品牌的上涨比例只是0.2%。滁州动力伞安全系数
上海翼舞航空科技有限公司创建于2017-03-08,注册资金 30-50万元,是一家专注上海翼舞航空科技有限公司旗下的专业公司,一直以来我们都向广大的航空爱好者和专业人士提供质量、低价的纯进口轻型航空器材,我们提供的设备有滑翔伞、动力伞、三角翼、动力三角翼、水上动力三角翼和固定翼轻型飞机,我们的产品应用于个人户外运动探险、航空杂技表演、警察空中巡逻、电力网线架设和巡视、电视航空拍摄、灾害检查收救、大型赛事活动直播、景点空中观赏、空中农药喷洒等一系列领域的公司。公司目前拥有5人以下员工,为员工提供广阔的发展平台与成长空间,为客户提供高质高效的产品服务,深受员工与客户好评。公司以诚信为本,业务领域涵盖[ "动力伞", "滑翔伞", "飞行", "热汽球" ],我们本着对客户负责,对员工负责,更是对公司发展负责的态度,争取做到让每位客户满意。目前公司已经成为[ "动力伞", "滑翔伞", "飞行", "热汽球" ]的**企业,正积蓄着更大的能量,向更广阔的空间、更***的领域拓展。